Tables Turned: Personal info of every US company leaked!!

Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke, one question has been on everyone’s minds: Is my personal data safe? Big companies are collecting our personal data and using it to influence our minds. Cambridge Analytica, for example, gathered data from at least 50 million users, then developed software to profile these accounts and influenced them through micro-advertisements. In a way we are becoming products that can be sold by social media platforms and websites. Big corporations are making loads of money through our profiles, without our consent!

But now the tables have turned on them!! A ragtag group of idealists decided to collect the data of big companies and publish it online.. to let them know how it feels to have your data out in the open.

For now the United States is the only country were data has been collected, but word on the street is that local initiatives will pop-up in Europe and Asia. A version in print is rumoured to come out next year, and the year after that.

So check it out!! It’s real!! Take a look HERE!!

Of course this is all a joke! But websites who steal your data are no laughing matter. So here are some tips to protect your data:

– Take some time to check your privacy settings on social media.

– Don’t trust sites who claim crazy things (like ours :-p); clickbait is often nothing more than clickbait.

– Don’t click on “Click Here’ links without verifying the url it’ll send you to. (You could’ve seen that our link was redirecting you to the yellow pages without clicking on it)

– Don’t trust third-party personality quizzes!!

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